I already had a darker exposure in my old image, so I can just mask more of it into the sky.Here’s the approach I used to address each of the issues: I think they’re both great approaches, but I’m going to go with the latter. Or I could make the trees on the right green so as to further emphasize the main subject. I could make the trees on the left purple to match the colors on the right, which would emphasize the character of the long walk through this park. The ambient lighting under the trees to the far left and right was constantly changing colors and not synchronized.The color separation is good, but the light source isn’t as obvious as the neon flowers and I think they could stand to be slightly dimmer so as not to compete with the main subject. Some of the trees lit with bright yellow behind the flower are a bit too hot.That wasn’t a common issue for me with the D800, but it certainly didn’t handle dark skies nearly as well as my D850. There are some artifacts around the same reflected flowers from my D800, which shows lines extending from some of the highlights in the water. I processed this back at a time when I was still relying on HDR much more than exposure blending with luminosity masks and HDR often shows such “ghosted” results when water creates movement from one exposure to the next. The reflection of the flowers shows HDR artifacts.

In keeping with the very high contrast ratios here, I don’t need to restore everything, but I do think some improvement is warranted. The flower highlights are a bit blown out.The sky shows a fair bit of haze, which I’d like to minimize.I still enjoy the image, but upon close inspection feel that the following could be improved: I processed this image 7 years ago, so naturally there are a number of details I would process differently now as I’ve grown more skilled as an artist. It also helps me to learn better ways to correct problems after the fact, which can save time later instead of redoing an image. This allows me to easily improve an image for print, while still delivering a result that’s fully consistent with the client’s expectations. I find this latter approach to be very powerful, as it gives me a way to keep the look and feel of an image as I improve it. Or you can take the old image and try to improve it from where it is. You might be surprised how hard you find it to recreate some of your best work sometimes. Starting from scratch can reinforce important lessons as you compare the new version to the old. If you want to improve your photography, one great way to do that is to review your old images and reprocess them.